Category: Hanga | Create


In room 9 we have been learning about the different parts of the bible. We had to do an activity about the bible like the gospels, facts and etc. Doing this activity was so cool because it was fun and easy.

Here is my work;

Here are some questions I have to answer..

One thing i know now? There are 66 books in the bible.

The most important thing I learnt. How to find verses in the bible

Something that surprised me. How little books there are

Something that interested me the most. How many different parts there are to the bible.

What do you know about the bible?


Duffy !

Today at school , we were given our Duffy books that we ordered. We are all very grateful! Once we got handed our books , we started reading them on our desks silently for about 10 minutes. Here are the books that I was lucky enough to get given.


Hotspot review

For the last 2 weeks, my class has been working on a hotspot activity! I didn’t get it finished because I was too busy working on the word find. The highlighted boxes is what I have done!

Here is my work.