Kapa Haka Performance!

Kia Ora!

On the 30th of November, My Kapa Haka group had our festival at St Francis school! Once I got to the school, I felt very excited but also nervous. My group got dressed and they girls wore a navy blue dress with Maori patterns and they boys wore a skirt with the same thing!


We were the 4th group to perform so we watched all the other schools before we had to come on. I loved watching the performances because every one had different dances/Hakas. It was our turn to perform so we got in our lines and walked out once the lady said , ” Give a round of applause for New Brighton Catholic school. ” When I was walking down the grass I heard everyone clapping and it made me feel good. Once the music started , I noticed how much people there were. It started to feel nervous but I took deep breaths and told myself everything was gonna be okay!


I felt so good while doing my first waiata and I didn’t mess up. Once we finished , everyone was clapping and it made me feel happy! After that we did our other dances and everyone loved them. After that it was time for our haka so the girls moved back slowly while the boys came in front. George led that haka and we did great. Our school had the loudest haka and we were all super proud. Everyone was clapping and whistling once we finished and we were all happy.

We finished and turned to walk off the grass. I felt so happy that I did the performance and I went to see my mum! I watched the other schools perform and my favourite was Rawhiti because they were so strong. I played with my friends after and had an amazing night. I would love to do it again.


Do you do Kapa Haka?

2 thoughts on “Kapa Haka Performance!

  1. Kia Ora Carys
    I am your best friend that is next to you and is commenting because your blogs are always amazing and great I hope you have a great rest of your day.

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