Thank you Duffy😁.

Kia Ora ,

Today we had an assembly about Duffy and got our books! We were very grateful and all loved our books! , We sang our Duffy song and then went back upstairs to  read our books! Whats you’re favourite book you have from Duffy?


Here is a photo of us reading!

Bob Bickerton🎶

Today some classes went to the hall to see Bob Bickerton do a show! We went straight to the hall after morning tea and sat down and rows while he introduced himself. He was an experienced man that has ancient instruments and shares them with schools and other pupils. We listened to so many cool noises and most of us enjoyed it.

Here are some photos from the show!



Kia Ora!

Today the yr 6s & 7s bussed to the town hall to experience a Duffy show and watch some role models. We lined up outside  and slowly walked into find a seat! There were sooo many schools , the whole place was filled with children. Everyone was singing their hearts out when we were walking in/sitting in. Once we settled down , the role models got asked questions about books and it was very interesting listening to their answers. We learnt a lot of dances and new songs , we all had an awesome time. My favourite part was the singing and watching them play pictonary. After an hour when the show was finished , we slowly gathered everyone together and walked out. There were some Duffy helpers outside giving everyone a warehouse bad filled with goodies ( pens,notebooks, pencil cases, sharpers etc .)

Everyone was so lucky and grateful. We then got back to school and had lunch ! Such an amazing experience!

Have  you done something like this before?




Hello everyone ,

In class we have been learning about unity , for our activity we had to make a drawing/picture of unity! Here is my work , Do you like it? & do you know anything about unity?


Lisa Carrington

Here is my Lisa Carrington activity. She is an Olympian and her skill is canoeing. In class we  have been doing work about the Olympics and one of  the activities was to make a post about her and her achievements as well as facts.

Here is  my work of Lisa Carrington , Hope you like it!

Did you know who Lisa Carrington was before reading this ?